Tuesday, January 06, 2009

CRAFTY LIT: crafty biz book giveaway (ends January 20)


Local jewellery maker Catherine Winter of Sailor Girl wrote to let us know about the release of her book for budding jewellery tycoons (congrats Catherine!) and we thought this would make the perfect giveaway prize for Laura-Jean's Crafty Business column.

So here's how it will work: write to Laura-Jean with questions about anything and everything related to running a crafty business. If she chooses your question (based on level of insight it inspires) to respond to, you get the book! Of course this book will be most relevant to people with jewellery businesses, but all questions are eligible & you can always give your prize to a friend or family member who is into making jewellery. Plus many of the topics covered are universal to any budding entrepreneur.

Please send your questions to knittingqueen@rogers.com by January 20, 2009. See the archives for this column to make sure your question hasn't been covered.

If you aren't lucky enough to win the giveaway, Start Your Own Jewellery Business is available for purchase at www.sailorgirl.com, where Catherine is running a special for the month of January regular price is $29.95 - for this month the book is available for $25 including tax and shipping.

It is also available at www.beadfx.com (in their book section) for $29.95.

Here is a bit about the book:

Start Your Own Jewellery Business
by Catherine Winter

This book will give you an idea of how to start your business and how to
keep it running. It will make you think about what you are trying to
accomplish. It is a treasure chest of important tips and useful information.
It will show you how to correctly price your jewellery. It will advise you
on finding good craft shows, on meeting with a store buyer and on developing
winning marketing materials.
Whether your goal is to start your business full-time, or part-time to cover
the costs of your hobby, this book will show you how to sell your fabulous
creations for fun AND profit!

Catherine Winter is the founder of Sailorgirl Jewelry. She is a full time
glass bead artist and jewelry designer who has participated in over 100 art
and craft shows since starting her company in 2003. Catherine founded
Sailorgirl jewelry to finance her rather unique lifestyle – when not playing
with liquid glass in Canada, she can be found sailing around the Bahamas.


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