CRAFTIVISM: give & take fundraiser & exhibition at MADE (reception: December 4, show: December 1 - December 23)
MADE in collaboration with moi moi present - GIVE & TAKE ornament exchange
Exhibition dates: December 1st to December 23rd
Opening Reception: Thursday December 4th 7pm to 9pm
Over 50 Canadian artists and designers have created and donated ornaments for display in the MADE cooler. All proceeds will go to Toronto based charity Interval House. Once an ornament is sold it will be replaced with a memento of that object which serves as a record of your donation.
An installation will be created from the donations of the Giver's hand made objects. The purchasers of the ornaments (or Takers) become Givers, as their payment is tithed to Interval House who in turn, by receiving become the ultimate Givers.
The Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (CSGVP) 2004, reports as many as 22.2 million Canadians, 85% of the population aged 15 and over, made a financial donation to a charity of nonprofit. The amounts donated totalled to $8.9 billion, with donors giving an average of $400.
Interval House provides abused women and children with access to safe shelter, counselling, legal support, housing support, outreach and counselling as well as programs to help build economic self-sufficiency. 2008 marks the 35th anniversary of Interval House.
molo (design studio), Kathryn Adams (illustrationr), Orest Tataryn (glass), Thom Sevalrud (illustration), Joe & Josephine (industrial design), Kerry Croghan (textile), Albert Lum (industrial design), Taliaferro Jones ( glass), Peter Rogers (designer), Julie Breckenreid (illustration) and many, many more.
Claire Ironside and Angela Iarocci of moi moi are engaged in art and design projects centred on social and design issues which draw on their diverse interests in collaborative projects, the combination of manual and digital methods of production and the use of information design for education and advocacy.
MADE (Julie Nicholson and Shaun Moore) is a design product company working to build a higher profile for talented but underexposed Canadian designers.
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