Wednesday, October 29, 2008

SWAP PROPOSAL: your used security envelopes for a set of security envelopes buttons

The muchly missed Becky Johnson wrote from her Craft Odyssey Roadtrip (follow her adventures on her blog) to ask us to spread her swap proposal concerning used security envelopes. Please contact her here if you would like to partake, or check out her show schedule to plot an in person exchange. Here is an excerpt from her blog post about it:

security buttons

i am now willing to offer you some free gifts in exchange for used security envelopes. that's right, i will send you a set of security envelopes buttons in exchange for a contribution of old security envelopes from you. if anyone from overseas reads this, i am especially interested in what wild foreign envelopes might be out there and especially implore you to send me some.

if this strikes your fancy, just email me for shipping info and we can get rolling!

it's a pretty good deal, eh? you send me garbage and i send you other non-garbage stuff.

some rules (for what is life without them?):
1. only used envelopes. this is a project of reuse.
2. no logos or words. i have found some companies put their logo inside their envelopes. i have deemed these unacceptable for this project.


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