Tuesday, July 15, 2008


a day late and a dollar short... well I applied to my very first craft show this weekend. don't know if I'll get in, but at least I'll learn something about applying. any advice out there on applying to craft shows? what about taking rejection or maybe getting stock ready for a show?
as part of the Toronto Craft Alert's goal to galvanize the city's craft community, we'd like to get a bit of a discussion going. discuss any crafty topic you like... we'll be re-posting this thread every monday morning, so that the discussions can continue in the comments section of this post.


Blogger Unknown said...

Good luck with your show application! I haven't done a show in a while, but have been rejected from a couple... lesson learned: don't take it personally! There may just be too many returning vendors to give new ones a chance, applicants who have a connection of some kind to the organizer, or too many in your particular category. And it can never hurt to ask why you didn't make it, so you know for next year!

9:04 a.m.  
Blogger michelle said...

I went to the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition and said hello to a couple of the artists that TCA featured in their posts. I was so amazed at finally getting to see Katie Dutton's embroidered portraits!

I half-heartedly applied for my very first craft show as well, mostly cos I felt a little insecure about the stuff I made, like it wasn't so good, but still wanted to try. But now I'm more determined to work harder and come up with something I'm really super proud of.

12:54 p.m.  
Blogger Lisa K said...

Good luck!! Exciting. I agree with Nicole - never take rejections personally. Usually it's just a matter of fit. Sometimes what is rejected from one show is accepted into another. And the jury - which is typically different for every show. Keep applying to any appropriate opportunity; don't get discouraged and you'll soon learn what works as well as build a skin. As for the technical stuff, take really good photographs, think about your display and packaging to help 'sell' your stuff. And as for stock, try to produce a little more (as you can afford it) than you think you might need and it's a good idea to hit several price points ($5-10, $10-20, etc.)

8:42 p.m.  

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