Thursday, May 29, 2008

CRAFTY HAPPENING: LuminaTO Streetscape events of note (June 6-15)

LuminaTO’s StreetScape, in association with the Art Gallery of Ontario and in collaboration with Manifesto Community Projects, re- imagines urban space as Toronto becomes host to some of the world’s best large- scale wall painting, drawing and street art.

From June 6-15, top street artists, wall-painters and boundary-pushing multimedia creators re-imagine Toronto’s post-industrial waterfront, housing communities, and urban spaces in the midst of revitalization as monumental canvases. Large in scale, bold and beautiful in content, these transformed regions of Toronto will become an inspiration for public creativity, as cutting-edge contemporary art moves onto the streets in a celebration of colour and light.

Housepaint Flyer_final
Click here to enlarge

Over the final three days of LuminaTO, June 13-15, ten canvas houses will be painted live by top Canadian street artists including CANT, CASE, DIXON, EGR, ELICSER, EVOKE, HVW8, LEASE, and OTHER. Housepaint at Parliament Street slip subtly calls attention to the industrial history of the site upon which it stands and highlights the realities and future of urban Toronto. Arrive in final Sunday hours for free art work.

Living Space flyer_final
Click here to enlarge

Another Luminato exhibition worth checking out during this time is Living Space at Regent Park Living Space, which attempts to reflect the people and activities of Regent Park. The process-driven installations aim to confer importance on the residents as individuals and to celebrate the life that makes up Regent Park as a community. It involves massive projected photography and video on building walls, 18 foot tall black and white posters by Dan Bergeron, and murals by Evoke/ Style in Progress, etc.


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