Tuesday, February 26, 2008

GET SCHOOLED: film craft

TCA reader Lola sent this along...


Hi Folks,

I'm happy to announce my first Super 8mm Film Workshop!
This is a no-to-low profit endeavor with the goal of getting people out together mixing it up with some art and fun.

What is Super 8mm film? Well first off, it's film - like "movies" film - it comes in a cartridge, it gets developed - it's not video - it is projected onto a screen and it is silent.

The aim of this workshop is to just get out and do it.

We'll learn about Super8, we'll shoot Super8, and a week later (Friday Night) we'll watch Super8!

Yup, a pretty simple framework here:

- I've got a bunch of super 8mm cameras. You can bring your own if you have one.
- At 11:00am we'll have a quick (<1>

Costs: I'm charging only enough to cover the costs of the cartridge & developing (and a bit for transport costs, batteries, etc.) - $50.00 I'm providing the cameras free because I want to keep this as affordable as possible for everyone. (Volunteers/donations won't be turned down though!)

Group size: I'm hoping for a dozen go-for-it types - feel free to fwd this on to any friends that you think may be interested. Please be aware that I'm not sure how quickly the spots will fill up!

Location: Walnut Studios @ 83 Walnut Ave, three blocks West of Bathurst, South of King St West (in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, North America, Earth).

Screening: The Friday (March 7th) night screening will be a byob affair where we screen all of the films and pat ourselves on the back for a job well done.

To enroll, inquire or any of that sorta stuff please email me!


Colin Richards


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