Wednesday, January 30, 2008

CRAFTIVISM: design hope auction

Kim Kutner sent along this notice for Design Hope 2008, an auction taking place at yummy rug shop Modern Weave to raise funds for the homeless. Kim's sister Michele Lucas will have a painting in the show, and apparently there will be craft pieces on offer – glass work by some Sheridan College students.

Michelle Lucas - painting for Design Hope auction

mortis and tenon by Michele Lucas (available at auction)

Design Hope Toronto 2008
Friday February 8, 7-10 PM
Modern Weave,
160 King St. E. (east of Jarvis)

Design Hope Toronto would like to announce its 3rd annual art auction
and gala to help the homeless.

This year's event will be held at Modern Weave,
160 King Street East,
on Friday, February 8 from
7-10PM. The new, more spacious location
allows Design Hope Toronto to exhibit more art and therefore raise
even more money for the homeless. The artwork will be on display
starting February 1.


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