CRAFT SHOW: Nanotacular II Holiday Trunk Show and Sale
This year, give the mall a holiday. Buy handmade at the Nanotacular II Holiday Trunk Show and Sale.
Nanopod: Hybrid Studio invites everyone to join them for their second-annual Nanotacular, a holiday trunk show and sale featuring handmade, limited-edition, and one-of-a-kind items from some of Toronto's craftiest artisans.
jewelry, fused glass buckles, hand-screened and drawn cards, letterpress gift tags, buttons, hand-screened tshirts, scarves, gift bags, hand-knit items, beautiful hand carved wooden utensils for baby, toys, felted items, and more!!
Opening with a special Friday-evening Trunk show soirée!
Opening Night Soiree!
Friday, December 7, 6 to 9 p.m.
enjoy up to 25% off select items while sipping fancy cocktails
*Nanotacular II Holiday Trunk Show and Sale*
Saturday, December 8, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
first 23 early birds receive special gift bags
Sunday, December 9, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
first 10 early birds receive special gift bags
nanopod: Hybrid Studio is located at:
322 Harbord Street
Toronto, ON M6G1H1
647 219 0585
This event has also been added to the Toronto Craft Alert Event Calendar. Google Calendar users can add this event to their own calendars.
Nanopod: Hybrid Studio invites everyone to join them for their second-annual Nanotacular, a holiday trunk show and sale featuring handmade, limited-edition, and one-of-a-kind items from some of Toronto's craftiest artisans.
jewelry, fused glass buckles, hand-screened and drawn cards, letterpress gift tags, buttons, hand-screened tshirts, scarves, gift bags, hand-knit items, beautiful hand carved wooden utensils for baby, toys, felted items, and more!!
Opening with a special Friday-evening Trunk show soirée!
Opening Night Soiree!
Friday, December 7, 6 to 9 p.m.
enjoy up to 25% off select items while sipping fancy cocktails
*Nanotacular II Holiday Trunk Show and Sale*
Saturday, December 8, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
first 23 early birds receive special gift bags
Sunday, December 9, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
first 10 early birds receive special gift bags
nanopod: Hybrid Studio is located at:
322 Harbord Street
Toronto, ON M6G1H1
647 219 0585
This event has also been added to the Toronto Craft Alert Event Calendar. Google Calendar users can add this event to their own calendars.

So... i guess the rest of us who don't have facebook...and don't really want to participate in facebook are out of luck eh?
nice. that's some quality marketing.
I guess me and my money won't be going to the Nanotacular II Holiday Trunk Show & Sale... whatever that is...
this was our decision to post something through a facebook event invitation, not nanopod blocking non facebookers from attending.
we will be posting more info on the show shortly.
I just found Nanopod after signing up for more expensive lampwork classes elsewhere. Nanopod appears to have it all going on, a variety of media, teaching several advanced techniques, many class formats to choose from, even diy frequent flyer card for studio and torch time! Keep up the great service Nanopod!
-AnnaLee in Oshawa
I had no idea about this event - I found it through Google. I will be doing most of my holiday shopping from local and handmade artisans being one myself. Hurrah for Canada and the talent we have!
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