Does anyone here have a laser? No? ...
Well this new design community will connect you with laser-cutting and buyers, and store your design files:
Check this out... So if you are like Sue, a crafty gal who had some jewellery ideas. The process works like this, you draw up your creations in Adobe illustrator and save them as an .eps file. You then upload these creations to your account, choose some materials, pay, and wait for the mail.
Well this new design community will connect you with laser-cutting and buyers, and store your design files:
Ponoko is the world's first personal manufacturing platform. It's the online space for a community of creators and consumers to use a global network of digital manufacturing hardware to co-create, make and trade individualized product ideas on demand.
The marketplace connects creators, consumers, digital manufacturing hardware and service providers to promote, make and trade products on Ponoko and social networking websites.
Check this out... So if you are like Sue, a crafty gal who had some jewellery ideas. The process works like this, you draw up your creations in Adobe illustrator and save them as an .eps file. You then upload these creations to your account, choose some materials, pay, and wait for the mail.
You will receive a flat-packed Ponoko package, from which you can then pop out your laser-cut prototypes to inspect them, and decide on whether to refine your design. You can tweak your design and then go through the process once more until you get something you are ready to sell.
Althought this operation seems small for now, I can see this growing into a really big project, and hopefully they'll add some materials like felt and tyvek to the catalog.
Now Tord Boontje won't be the only one who gets to create and execute designs with laser-precision. Lasers for the masses!
Cool! If you ever come across anything like this for vacuum-forming, I hope you'll post it.
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