Wednesday, September 19, 2007

TCA READER SURVEY: results part one


Thanks again to everyone who participated in the TCA Reader Survey & for your patience in waiting for the results (busy/crazy/crafty times!). I've decided to do a two-parter: first I'll post the results of the survey that relate to you, the TCA readers, and I'll follow this up in a bit with your feedback on the blog which was supremely constructive (and thus deserves its own post).

So, without further ado:


While most of you live in Toronto or the GTA, there are a number of you reading from more exotic climes like Whitby, Waterloo, Hamilton, Peterborough, and even Montreal.

A good chunk of you (61.6%) are 25-36, but 17-24 and 37-50 are representin' at 16.2% and 15.2% respectively.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, 97% of you are of the female persuasion. 1% identified as "robot".

More of you identify as makers (27%) than pure consumers (9%) of craft, while the majority (71%) are playing for both teams in making stuff and enjoying the work of others. Many of you are into fibre crafts like knitting & sewing as well as jewellery making, and some of you branch into less traditional territory like zine making & sound sculpture.

The vast majority (91%) read the TCA in part to find out about crafty events about town. I was pleased to see that lots of you are also seeking a connection to the Toronto craft community (77.4%) as this is the TCA's primary raison d'etre. Other popular uses of the TCA include referring to the blog/mailing list to find craft supplies (74.2%), discover local designers & makers (67.7%), workshops and classes (58.1%), and where to buy local (58.1%).

Loads of you shared your crushes, far too many to list here. But a few names that came up frequently were: nathalie-roze & co., the beading & textile shops of Queen West, Freedom Clothing, Propaganda, The Rage, Lettuce Knit, The Sweetie Pie Press, Julie Moon, Ugly Bunny, Mokuba, Distill Gallery, Romni Wool, Heart on your Sleeve & MADE.

Some new finds for me included:
Stephanie Cormier: Image 1 2 3
Michelle Kosoy
Red Om Glass
Mixed Media independent art shop (Hamilton)

It was really great to hear from so many of you & learn more about who you are and what you are interested & engaged in.

Stay tuned for Part Two of the TCA Reader Survey results...


Blogger Unknown said...

that was very interesting jen... thanks for including Whitby!!

11:10 a.m.  

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