GET TOGETHER: church of craft meeting & crafty news
Received this bulletin from the Toronto Church of Craft:
So we were on a short hiatus and now our palms are itching to handle some sticks or needles - or, whatever your crafty vice might be.
We're going to take advantage of the lovely outdoors one more time and meet in Trinity Bellwoods Park this Sunday at 1pm - look for the flag under a tree near the Queen St. gates. Come out and work on anything! Something you've just got to finish or maybe something you just want to try out.
Also, in other craft news....Get inspiration and check out some super crafty finds at The Good Catch 1555 Queen St. W. where The Dear Diary Craft Fair will be going down either in the backyard or upstairs (weather depending). Look here:
Also....I was recently sent some info that might be of interest to those of you out there thinking of crafypreneurship - I know, that's not a word but you know what I mean. This is a great event that'll cover things from marketing yourself to legal advice. Here's the invite/flyer:
And this, from the International Fiber Collective: International Fiber Collaborative
Seeking Participants
The goal for the International Fiber Collaborative is to give a opportunity to people who enjoy working with crafts, whether professional artists,hobbyists or students to come together all over the world to express our concerns towards our countries extreme dependency on oil for energy. Those who participate will crochet/knit/stitch/patch/ or collage a 3' x 3' fiber panel that will express each artists view on this topic. By taking the step to create a panel with any design, and sending it in, in the larger picture, is expressing your concern towards this topic. Once all 800 panels that are needed are received, they will be sewn together to completely cover an abandoned gas station and gas pumps in central New York. You can check out the website at or contact Jennifer Marsh at 614-561-9057 or
In craft,
The link to this "marketing and legal advice" event takes you to
hey...i had the same problem with the link...
hey guys,
sorry about this - i did get in touch with leah sorta late (busy weekend!) and heard back that it happened on monday.
too bad.
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