Friday, August 24, 2007

ASK CRAFTY: booth lighting, paper & fabric scraps & scarborogh craft sales

x I have an outdoor art show coming up. It runs from noon to 10pm on the first day so I'll need to bring my lights and plug 'em in. I have looked on Canadian Tire to see what kind of portable battery-type-devices they have.....but I'm totally lost. What sort of product I should be using to power-up my lights? – Lara

x Does anyone have advice on where I could find remanents or scraps of fabrics and/ or paper in Toronto - via TTC - Kate

x I am looking for craft sales in the Scarborugh area where I can rent a booth and sell hand made items. Are you aware of any? - Sharon

Please comment on this post with your advice!


Blogger krissy said...

about the fabric & paper scraps:
have you thought about trying the toronto freecycle group (i *think* it's on yahoo) or craigslist? you might get lucky at a value village or goodwill for fabric bits although that can be hit or miss. not sure what kind of paper you need or how much, but "the paper place" used to put together grab bags of paper scraps for a pretty reasonable price. you can also buy small individual squares of japanese paper there too (about 3" x 3") for about 75 cents each, i think. a scrapbooking store (like the huge one in the beaches) also sells individual sheets of paper but they are bigger...maybe 16"x16" or so. they have rows and rows of designs to choose from though.

8:36 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure what sort of papers you are looking for, but I have a whole bunch of scrapbooking papers that I am selling off - email me (nowscrapbooks at gmail dot com) if you're interested. I'm selling them for 10 cents per 12x12 sheet.

1:01 p.m.  
Blogger Michelle said...

Dollarama also has a lot of scrapbooking-type paper packs - for $1, of course.

I haven't seen bags of fabric scraps anywhere, but you can buy small ends (less than a metre) at Fabricland and Bouclair. They usually have baskets of them at the end of their cutting tables.

6:49 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much!

11:42 a.m.  

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