Monday, July 30, 2007

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: come up to my room '08

via akimbo


The Gladstone Hotel's 5th Annual Alternative Design Event
Feb 22-24, 2008

Expression of Interest Deadline: Aug. 20th (no later than 5pm)

The Gladstone Hotel seeks proposals for innovative, cutting-edge contemporary art and design projects for the annual alternative design event, Come Up To My Room 2008. The fifth installment will take place from February 22-24, 2008 at the Gladstone Hotel, in over 12 rooms on 2nd floor of the historic Gladstone Hotel.

Ideal candidates for juried consideration are practitioners who produce, focus and dedicate their practice in the areas of; experimental, inter-disciplinary, self-taught, hand-made/craft-based, installation, and environmental, art & design projects (including graphic, new media, lens-based: photography, film & video.) We are looking for practitioners and emerging designers who approach design with radical personal vision to create site-specific installations.

Please submit hardcopy or electronic proposals (MS-WORD docs only) no later than 5pm, August 20th, 2007. Proposals should include a; CD of 5-10 images, or jpegs/website url, CV, a 150 word bio of the artist, designer, or collectives, and a 1 page proposal specific to CUTMR 2008. This exhibition is curated by artist and not by proposed projects. Please do not submit detailed proposals. For more information please read

Participation fees are $650 + GST for room installations and $150 + GST for public space projects; includes installation day and 3-day space rental, exhibition administration, coordination, and inclusion in the promotion, publicity, marketing materials, and exhibition catalogue.

To see press coverage of past CUTMR events

To see photos of past CUTMR installations

For more information contact the curators:

Pamila Matharu, pmatharu[AT] (+1) 416 846 6230
Christina Zeidler, christina[AT] (+1) 416 531 4635 ext. 7102

For more information regarding pricing, exhibition details and contracts contact:

Chris Mitchell, chrism[AT] (+1) 416 531 4635 ext. 7105

Submit proposals to:

Gladstone Hotel, Attention: CUTMR Curators, 1214 Queen St W Toronto ON

Or email to christina[AT] or pmatharu[AT] and cc chrism[AT]


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