Wednesday, June 27, 2007

paper & print news from kozo studio gallery

A latter from Akemi, proprietress of KOZO Studio Gallery (see below for paper/book workshops):

Hello everyone,

Well, summer has officially arrived! I'm in the midst of organising a colouring book with images from about thirty printmakers from across Canada. The books will be sold to raise money for the Printmaking Department at OCAD and for the Artists' Health Centre Foundation. I'm really excited about this project! In July I'll be part of a salon show at the Gendai Gallery located in the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre and I'll be giving a lecture in September at the Mississauga Handweavers and Spinners Guild conference.

I've gotten together a list of workshops for the lazy days of summer. For all those who wanted letterpress workshops I've scheduled two intro classes and a first level class. There are also two washi (rice paper) decorating classes in the traditional Japanese style, and printmaker Liz Forrest is doing a two day multi colour Japanese wood block printing workshop! Yay!

Sorry, there won't be any papermaking workshops until at least September because I have injured my thumb and wrist. I'm trying very hard to master typing with just my left hand!

Akemi Nishidera/KOZO Studio Gallery

WORKSHOPS at KOZO Studio Gallery
257 Broadview Ave. just north of Dundas St. E.

Letterpress Printing Intro Workshop
Sat. July 14 from 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm or Sat. August 11 from 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm.
Learn the basics of printing on a flatbed press with Akemi Nishidera at her studio.
The Vandercook press is one of the most popular presses for letterpress printers and the little Showcard is perfect for small editions, gift tags, and quick prints. In this introduction class participants will learn to print from a combination of wood type, metal type, and metal cuts.
Fee $ 50.00 plus supply fee of $5.00.

Letterpress 1
Saturday and Sunday Sept. 22 and 23 from 10 am to 4pm
In this intensive two day workshop participants will learn how to lock up a form and registration in order to print in two or more colours. Participants will create an edition of their own unique letterpress printed Broadsides
Participants should have 'Letterpress Printing Intro.' or have discussed their previous experience with the instructor.
Workshop price for the 2 day workshop is $150.00 plus a $15.00 supply fee.

Orizome Papers
Thursday July 5 from 6 pm to 9 pm
Orizome is a traditional Japanese method of decorating paper using washi paper folded or blocked and then dipped in dyes. The results are beautiful papers that look like a kaleidoscope view. Participants will learn what papers are best suited for dying, dyes to use and some traditional patterns to create. You will take home some gorgeous papers of your own creation! Many people just hang these papers on their walls as works of art!
Fee $35.00 plus supply fee of $ 5.00 for washi paper.

Suminagashi - Japanese Paper Marbling
Thursday Aug. 9 from 6 pm to 9 pm
This Japanese style of marbling uses water based inks delicately floating on water. The design created by the inks are carefully transferred to washi paper and then lifted off the water to dry. The resulting decorated papers were often used as backgrounds for traditional wood block prints and calligraphy pieces. They are beautiful pieces themselves and can be used for cards, scrapbooks, bookbinding, lanterns, etc.
Fee $35.00 plus supply fee of $5.00 for washi paper.

Moku Hanga - Japanese Woodblock Printing with Elizabeth Forrest
Saturday and Sunday Aug. 18 and 19th from 10 am to 4 pm
"This will be a relaxed weekend learning the basic techniques of mokuhanga (Japanese woodblock printmaking), and taking time to print your image in one or more colours. On the first day, bring a strong graphic image or design(6"x 8" max) and learn how to transfer it to an 8 x 10" woodblock. Attention will be given to effective carving techniques that ensure success in printing. Once finished this "key" block, you can carve a second block for colour areas printed in perfect registratiion, creating a small edition of colour woodblock by Sunday afternoon. Authentic Japanese tools and materials include marubake brushes, shina plywood, barens and top quality washi (Japanese paper)."
Fee $145.00 plus supply fee of $15.00 (supply fee is payable to instructor on the day of the workshop)

Bind and Blab
…is taking the summer off. These evenings will resume in September.

Registration Information
Payment is by cash or cheque. Cheques should be made out to Akemi Nishidera. Registration may be mailed to Akemi Nishidera, 51 Cummings St., Toronto, ON M4M 1M9
For more information contact Akemi. e-mail:
tel: 416-214-1882


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