Monday, April 23, 2007

paper crafts workshops at KOZO studio

A note from Akemi of KOZO Studio Gallery about her upcoming workshop schedule:


I'm finally organised enough at my new studio to start having people over for workshops!
I know I promised to start in March but I think April isn't too bad!

At the moment the studio is only open to the public by appointment or by chance.
This is my new contact information.

KOZO Studio Gallery
Akemi Nishidera
257 Broadview Ave.
tel. 416-214-1882

As for now, I've got the Bind and Blab, Letterpress printing, and 2 Papermaking workshops for you to check out (see below for info.).

Oh! and don't forget that the annual Wayzgoose Book Arts Fair is happening on April 28th in Grimsby!

Hope to see some of you!


Bind and Blab
Thursday April 26 from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm. This happens every last Thursday of the month!

Bring your projects, supplies, knowledge, wit and enthusiasm.

There will be communal pot of PVA and tea on the go for everyone! Please bring a cup with you for tea!

Call me at 416-214-1882 to reserve a spot at the tables!

FREE! This is not a formal workshop.

Letterpress Printing Workshop
Sat. May 12 from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm and Sun. May 13 from 9:30 am - 4:00 pm.

Learn the basics of printing in relief on a flatbed press with Akemi Nishidera at her studio.
The Vandercook press is one of the most popular presses for letterpress printers and the little Showcard is perfect for small editions. Classes will cover chase set up, printing, care of a press, block set up and paper choices.

Printing will be done from a combination of wood type, metal type, linoleum, cuts and engravings.

Two day workshop

Fee $ 150.00 supplies included.

Papermaking Dabble Day
Sat. May 26 from 10 am - 5 pm

In this one day workshop participants will learn about the papermaking process and spend the day with their sleeves rolled up and dabbling in paper pulp.

Hands on time will be focused on sheet forming and individual 2 dimensional creations!

Because of time constraints, pulps will already be made for participants to have fun with and pick up of dried papers will happen at a later date.

$ 95.00 all materials included.

Papermaking Int.
June 2, 3, 9, 10 from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm all four days.

Come and try your hand at papermaking!

We will be making rag paper (yes, the good paper) by recycling cotton and linen from cloth, just like they did in the olden days!

Participants will have a hands on learning experience from the beginning to the end of the papermaking process.

Prepararion of fibres for pulping, beating (in the beater!), preparing the vats, sheet forming, inclusions, embellishment, layering and drying will all be covered in this four day workshop.

Create gorgeous textural wall pieces and/or make sheets of paper that are uniquely yours for notecards, scrapbooks or anything else you can think of!

Fee $ 180.00 includes all supplies.

Akemi Nishidera


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