Tuesday, June 20, 2006

you best ask crafty

Any advice for these peeps? Post a comment, please! Or email me if you prefer.

x Please tell me where I can find coloured Velcro - bright or soft (vs. dark) colours would be best. And reflective/safety fabric or tape as well. – Jen

x I am looking for aubergine ribbons that I would like to use for my wedding bonbonnieres ... any idea where I can get some in Toronto? other than the overpriced Mokuba? – Rachelle

x I was wondering if you knew anywhere in toronto that I can buy small tins, [ much like the altoids tins ] I've only ever seen them online.- Amanda

x I am on the look out for clear plastic bags that reseal and fold over for my greeting cards. The bags need to measure approx. 6 X 4 3/8 inches. If any one could help me on that account I would be sooo greatful! – Kim

x Does anyone know of any places that offer beginner jewellery/silversmith classes? -Stephanie


Blogger mishka said...

Amanda, I think I have seen those tins at Solutions at Yonge and Eglinton. They also have a location at Dufferin Mall. However, if you need lots of tins, online might be a cheaper bet. Good luck!


2:30 p.m.  
Blogger Mary Rajotte said...

Amanda: Although these aren't the same shape as Altoid tins, you could try the watchmaker's cases at Lee Valley Tools: http://www.leevalley.com/wood/page.aspx?c=1&p=44948&cat=1,43326

Kim: Try Clear Bags for their packaging with adhesive seal (they have a free print catalog, too): http://www.clearbags.ca/

2:49 p.m.  
Blogger krissy said...

re: tins
i was also going to suggest "solutions" but mishka beat me to it.

if you can't find what you need there, you might find it at a place that is similar to "solutions" in the beaches on queen st. east. i'm afraid i can't think of the name right now but it's right beside the store "ends" on the north side of the street.

as for beginner silversmithing / jewellery classes:
i know i've seen a place on college across the street from from red peagasus. (someone here might know the name of the studio). last time i was down that way they had some nice pieces in the display window that had been created by their students, i think.

also, if you peek about 2 or 3 blog entries below, you'll see some courses listed for nanopod studio

i think "george brown college" has intro courses too. maybe take a look online to see if they offer them in the summer or you may have to wait until sept.

if all else fails, ask at "made you look" on queen west in parkdale. without a doubt someone there will be able to help put you in touch with a someone.

2:58 p.m.  
Blogger mishka said...

more about tins - The store Krissy is referring to, beside "Ends" is called "Binz"... I love this store and could spend hours there!

3:03 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a packaging store called creative bag, and they have the tins, in various shapes and sizes. At least, they did when I was last there.


I was going to mention clearbags, but someone else beat me to it!

4:54 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should be able to find coloured velcro at Designer Fabrics in Parkdale. I've seen it on the first floor, near the ribbon section. They are located at 1360 Queen st W between Dufferin and Lansdowne.

6:07 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a warning for any brides out there. DO NOT get your flowers from Exquisite Designs on Bloor St W in Toronto. My flowers arrived and were mostly dead. It ruined my whole day and they wouldn't fix the problem. They charged me a fortune! I just don't want to have this happen to any other brides.

11:26 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks so much guys!


12:46 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can buy reflective tape and velcro at fabricland downstairs at the hudson bay vcente on bloor.

8:06 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Retail Bag Store on Adelaide near Spadina sells lots of cello type packaging and I think they have the kind with the adhesive on one end for greeting cards.

Also, for beginner jewellery classes you could try The Devil's Workshop on Queen West. I just took a class there and it was really fun!

11:36 p.m.  
Blogger vania said...

I've also heard that the classes at the Harbourfront Centre are great for beginner silversmith/jewelry.

7:55 a.m.  

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