Sunday, March 26, 2006

not that kind of mail art

A call for submissions from the very cute Lower Mailbox Gallery:

Submit your wee projects to Toronto's newest gallery space devoted entirely to ultra-small-scale work!


Situated in a frugal space 27 cm wide x 12 cm high x 7 cm deep, The Lower Mailbox Gallery at 12 Beatrice may very well be the only 24-hour gallery in town.

Exhibits may feature new or previously shown work. Due to unavoidable security issues, irreplaceable or highly valuable pieces are discouraged -- artists must leave work at their own risk. Group projects welcome, but must be willing to share rather confined exhibition space. Difficult individuals need not apply.

Proposals for the 2005-2006 season are being accepted on an ongoing basis.
Please leave concise proposals in upper mailbox at 12 Beatrice Street.

Beatrice will gladly respond to queries at


Drop by 12 Beatrice now to check out the current exhibit:

SUCK - a delicious little installation by artist Jennifer Matotek. Jennifer is perhaps best known for her videos (several of them exactly one minute long) but also curates, builds robots and makes things out of partially sucked candies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's a strange experience to move into an apartment and find out a couple months in that you are cohabiting with the smallest art gallery in canada. i suppose i should be curating something! drop by 12 beatrice in a couple months, I suppose...

11:52 p.m.  

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