Come watch Peanut Brittle aka Lex Vaughn ham (radio - har har) it up tonight at the opening broadcast of WEZY - a performance piece-plus that simulates an amateur broadcast from the golden age of radio. In Lex's words, PB is, "a geriatric dandy who time has passed by, but who still manages to keep his shirts pressed, and ascot fluffed. He likes the way of the world that doesnt really exist anymore, and is always up for a little company....". A simulated live radio show will feature musical guests (you can expect some gooders as Lex plays with the Hidden Cameras and other local finery) as well as old timey records, mystery shows, jingles and advertisements. This will all take place in a space that recreates the atmosphere of a ham radio station through authentic props and crafts galore.
Yes, there are crafts: A quilt embroidered by Tara Azzopardi with PB's portrait, buttons, red vinyl 78s from the 40s hand-screened by various artists, membership kits for PBs record club (also hand-screened), and on it goes. Many are multiples and for sale.
See you there - Opening: Friday, March 24th, 7-10pm Show on until April 8, 2006 (regular hours Wed-Sat, 12-5pm or by appointment) Katherine Mulherin Gallery (1086 Queen West)
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